Chevron Oil Spill at Marcellus Shale Larger than Anticipated

On Wednesday, February 29, 2012 0 comments

According to reports from the Dow Jones newswire, Chevron Corporation (CVX) has reported to state regulator that a small oil condensate spill occoured late last year at the company's Marcellus Shale well site was greater than anticipated.
The initial report to regulators on December 20th 2011, stated that it (Chevron) has discovered a leak from a pipe joint weld buried four feel under the well pad located in Robison, Washington County. Chevron Corporation estimated 2 barrels of oil condensate had spilled at that time.

According to a spokesman for the DEP, "there is no indication that the spill has spread past Chevron's properties".

New reports place that number at more than 80 barrels, a significate jump from the "minor" spill of 2 barrels indicated in the inital report.


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