Hydro-Fracking in Northeast Township - Off Table for Now...

On Wednesday, July 27, 2011 0 comments

The controversy over hydro-fracking in North East Township is over, for now.

The issue was brought up in mid-June, at a regular township supervisors meeting. A huge crowd attended the meeting, to voice their concerns. But in a unanimous decision, supervisors voted to table two ordinances. The first one, involves zoning. Under the current plan, companies must drill at least 500 feet away from any structure. Several landowners in attendance said that worries them, because it could take away their right to drill on their own land.

The second ordinance involves banning chemical hydro-fracking in the township for one year. But several farmes said that if that were to pass, it may open up the door for restrictions on the types of chemicals they can use on their crops. The meeting comes just days after Lake Erie Energy Partners announced their decision to halt drilling operations on 10 wells in North East. One well is already drilled.

The three supervisors agreed, that they need more time to review the plan before making a final decision.


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